Class of 2020
Class of Summer 2019
Handing out certificates
A word from our graduates
Graduates, as you venture out into the world your knowledge and skills are second to none. Through our director Peter Williams and Naples Hypnotherapy Academy, you have had one of the most in-depth hypnotherapy training bar none. NHA exposes you to the most life-altering processes and the most advanced behavioral changing methods known to man in the field of hypnotherapy. I should know I created your tests, and I know the questions, for the most part, were very hard, but you always rise to the challenge.
Graduates! In a moment you’ll receive your certificates, receive them with pride, receive them with joy, receive them with enthusiasm, receive them with passion, receive them with respect, receive your Certificates and realize you are a positive force for good in this World, in this universe.
Again Congratulations!!
— Dulce Ortiz, CCHt.
Interns, you have received one of the most advanced trainings in Hypnotherapy. You have executed all that was required of you virtually flawlessly and passed every test. Whatever was thrown at you did not knock you down, but you caught it and ran with it. It was amazing to watch.
Now please, realize the road you must travel does not end here, but in the words of the Carpenters, “We’ve only just begun.” This is the beginning of a new chapter in the journey of your life.
This new Journey will challenge your resolve to succeed, to execute the processes you have learned. To take this knowledge you have gained and change a life for the better, to change a home, to change a community, to change the world, one person at a time.
— Peter Williams, CMS. CHt. CHI.
Class of 2017
We would like to congratulate all of our graduates, they did extremely well. We are looking forward to all of the positive and wonderous things you will be doing in the future.
Rosetta Baldassano, Cheryl Abjornson, Mildred Williams, and Emma Casagrande.